
Hoy Jack Kerouac habría cumplido 90 años. Aquí un pequeño homenaje

Para celebrarlo, dejo un extracto de su diario, escrito a los 19 años. 

I returned to college in the Fall, but my mind wasn’t at rest. My family was not any too well fixed; I felt out of place, the coaches were insulting, I was lonely; I left and went down to the South to think things over. Since then, on my own, I have been learning fast, writing a lot, reading good men, and have been slowly making up my mind, seriously & quietly. Either I am loathsome to others, I have decided, or else I shall be a beacon of rich warm light, spreading good and plenty, making things prosper, being a cosmic architect, conquering the world and being respected, myself grinning surreptitiously. Either that, Sirs, or I shall be the most loathsome, useless, and parasitical (on myself) creature in the world. I shall be a denizen of the Underground, or a successful man of the world. There shall be no compromise!!! I mean it.
Y a continuación, un vídeo en el que aparece en el Show de Steve Allen, 1959, donde, tras contestar a una serie de preguntas, él mismo lee un extracto de su libro. 

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